"If the bee disappears from the surface of the Earth, man would have no more than four years left to live"
- Albert Einstein
There is a scary realisation that bee numbers are reducing by insane amounts. According to a new study, a recorded third of British wild bees and hoverflies are in decline.
One of the main reasons for this is urban development, taking over the bee’s natural homes.
This is where we believe Air BnB, as well as Greenpeace, can step in with...     'Air beenbee'.
With an initiative to build as many bee houses like this one as possible across London and the UK...
We, Will, Utilise the Air BnB website to bring awareness to this cause and be the hub for this campaign...
There will be pop up workshops in the iconic beehive shape where pamphlets and advice from professionals will be given out to both build 'bee houses' and build awareness…
There will also be billboards set up with lavender and bee houses on display to show how Greenpeace and Air BNB are doing their part and show what people can do to get involved through a link at the bottom…
Once people make their bee homes they will be able to take photos and post them up on the Air BnB page where you can go and look at how many homes have been built and see the amazing contribution you’ve made to the initiative of saving the bees...
The very best bee houses will then be posted on the Greenpeace and Air BNB social media to further raise awareness of this initiative and say well done for getting involved.
Thank you!
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